Materials List

We've compiled a list of the materials you'll need to build a hydroponic rail system. We've tested lots of configurations and different products and these are the ones we recommend.

Note about links: We have linked to certain products that we have found useful when building our hydroponic systems. Some of these links are affiliate links and as an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases after clicking one of these. We take care to link to products we have found to be useful - products we would recommend to a friend or family member building this system - but you are welcome to use other products instead.

Connections Kit

To make the process of building a hydroponic rail system easier for you, we've assembled all of the connection fittings and tubing into a convenient Connections Kit! This connections kit has the connections you need to build a square rail system for greens or strawberries. And it is currently on sale!

Check out the Connections Kit here!


Note that there are several configurations for the rails, so we've separated the materials lists based on configuration.

Systems for Hydroponic Greens

Systems for Hydroponic Strawberries


Additional Components

These materials and supplies are the rest of what you need to make your rail system run smoothly.



These are tools and accessories that make the build process easier.